What sets JBF apart? We sell GREAT quality items for AMAZING prices!
Helping families say YES to what their kids need & want!!
We strive to WOW our shoppers with GREAT quality and AMAZING prices!
Please inspect your items carefully for stains, rips, excessive wear, broken toys, dirty baby equipment, missing pieces, items that we do not accept, etc.
All sellers will have a 5 items grace for items we need to say "no thank you" to. After 5 items, sellers will be deducted $0.25 per item from their seller checks.
Example: 10 items rejected - $1.25 deducted from seller check.
(5 grace, 5 items x $0.25 = $1.25)
In addition to this No Thank You fee, any games and/or toys that are deemed impossible to use as intended, without complete pieces - will be charged a $5 fee if brought, even if the items tag is noted. We do NOT accept items that are not ready to be used and enjoyed at the time of sale.
Here are the most common items we need to say no thank you to, to help in your inspection.
-Dirty, scuffed shoes
- Stained or ripped clothing
- Dirty or Moldy Strollers or other large baby equipment
- Broken toys
-Missing pieces
- Recalled Items
- We reserve the right to pull items not priced by JBF standards.
- Items we do not accept - please look over our acceptable items carefully.
If you have a question on quality of one of your items, please don't hesitate to post on our FB seller group or reach out to Kylee or Amber by text or email. (636-336-8855 or
[email protected])